Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mission Meds 2011

We are fund-raising for three campaigns this year.

First, we wanted to support our son's youth group in their CAR WASH which is going to help a missionary family in Japan and their 16 yr old daughter whose medical needs have left bills in excess of $10,000. The deadline is April 9th.

Next, we are raising funds for the American Diabetes Association in their friends and family campaign going on through the end of March.

Finally, we are hoping to attend the Cystic Fibrosis Walk for a Cure (April 30) which we couldn't do last year due to chicken pox! We have dear friends who have 3 children diagnosed with this awful disease.

Contact us here at myhandsful if you feel led to give to Mission Meds at all this year and we will get you the details for donating.  Thanks so much!

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