Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Campaign Successful

We are wrapping up our campaign for Mission Meds for this year. Over $500.00 was raised. Thank you all who helped make this possible. I have been in contact with the doctor on the team who is going. He says that they will be able to bring many items to help the doctor in Moldova who runs a mobile medical service in the area. The team also has overcome some hurtles regarding plane fare. It is so good to see how God is working things out so that His love and plan can be shared with this Russian-Romanian people group.

I got involved because of a project called the Kingdom Assignment. For those of you who have never heard of it, this began when a pastor in a Southern California church handed out $100 to 100 people and asked them to use the money and/or multiply the money to use in showing God's love and the gospel. The idea was to find a ministry they were passionate about or just a need that God brought to their attention and use the money to help out in some way. The results were huge and now there is a multinational movement of minitries that sprouted from that small beginning. Our church did a variation of this and gave $50 to 95 people and sent them out for 90 days to begin their own Kingdom Assignments. Some of the ones that I know about are: wheel chairs to refugees in impoverished nations; funds for an organization that rescues women from human trafficking; also for an organization that helps orphans in South America to receive learning materials; and even help to a young family whose mother suffered a debilitating stroke. Because diabetes is so much a part of our lives, we automatically thought of those who are unable to be tested and controlled because of a lack of supplies. This is what led to the Mission Meds campaign. The 90 days are over now, but our passion remains and while there are a lot of programs that raise money for working toward a cure, we will continue in our support of those who are dealing with diabetes right now.

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