Beginning in Esther
We began a new Bible study
in January on the book of Esther. One of the first topics to be addressed is
women's issues with appearance. I have for many years used the term
"Esther treatments" to refer to spa and beauty applications because
of the reference to Esther's preparations before she met the king lasting
months, perhaps more than a year (Esth. 2:12). It was my lighthearted way of
letting my husband know that if he wanted "royal beauty" he would
have to put up with the time and expense it took to make me that way. Beth
Moore in her lesson gave me a more sober perspective. Why is it that beauty is
something we "do" not something we "are"? It says in the
passage that Esther was lovely in form and feature (Esth. 2:7). Why then did
she need to go through the many months of treatments? We deal with something
like this everyday as women: no matter what your strengths or weaknesses, there
is something being pushed by the beauticians of the world that you need more of
(or less of) anti-aging, highlighting, enhancing - not to mention make-overs
extre and otherwise. Really it is the women's version of I Samuel 16:7
"the Lord said to looks at the outward appearance, but the
Lord looks at the heart." The Bible says in I Peter 3:3-4 that our beauty
should not come from outward appearance, but from the hidden person of the
heart. It was David's heart that God was looking at in Samuel and it is our
woman's heart that He is looking at now. Still the study of the passage in
Esther acknowledges that the focus and pressures are there all around us and we
will work through how as women of God we can live knowing He is concerned with
our heart. I'll keep you filled in as we go and let you know what God says to
me in this new study.
It’s just too much!
It has been so exciting
going through the book of Esther! This week we learned that Mordechai asked her
to take on her destined task when she felt like "this is really not a good
time, can't you see that!"
So often I have felt the
way she was described, "now God, me, really?" or "It's just too
much!" It is a comfort to know that most of the time God called upon major
characters in the Bible it was when they were having a hard time of it in some
crisis of their own (I think of Moses - Ex.3 - and Gideon - Judges 6 - and
Peter - Matt. 26 look it up!) Yet we know that God's timing is perfect timing
because of what He wants to have happen. Another encouragent is that we know
that when all is said and done, the eny can't win and we can't lose Praise the
Lord for that!
Using What You’ve Got
On a sidebar in our study
of Esther one of the sinar leaders shared how we have often seen Esther's
beauty as something that puts her in a "special" category. When we as
women feel that people can't see past our looks, that is, they think we are
beautiful or maybe "not so" beautiful, we feel cheated. In Esther it
was apparent that the reason she was picked in the first place was that she was
"beautiful of form and face."
Beth Moore has pointed out over these weeks that the Biblical account
shows there was much more to her under the surface that drew the attention of
the caregivers and ultimately the King.
What our workshop leader
pointed out that was so meaningful to me is that God gives us the whole
package, ie. looks, past history, talents, personality and Spiritual Gifts in
order to fulfill his purpose. She referenced Psalm 139:13-16 in a way I had
never looked at it before. When the Psalmist says, "I am fearfully and
wonderfully made" that includes our basic personality type and other
traits, not just our physical form. I had often shared this verse in the
context of our kids' diabetes saying that God made th with that special
characteristic for a very purposeful reason. I had not really looked at myself
or th in terms of the whole package before.
So our assignment was to
discover "what we've got" that God is desiring to use in us but maybe
we had not considered as useful. The suggestion was made that maybe we had been
limiting God in what we thought He could accomplish by limiting what we thought
He was likely to use. Can you think of things that God designed uniquely into
you, His child, that He is prompting you to allow Him to use? Maybe you have
the gift of hospitality and are an extrovert; maybe you are an introvert and
write encouraging notes; maybe you have the gift of administration and can help
people figure out "their next move" and of course the list goes on
and on.
This little excerpt is my
response to God nudging me to use what I already know I have even while I am
looking for the hidden things I may have disregarded. Blessings to you as you
try it as well!
Conditional Trust
The rubber really met the
road for me this week in the video session on the book of Esther. It was from
chapter 4 where she says the famous line, "if I perish, I
perish." She has made up her mind
to move forward in what is being asked of her and trusts God with the
The "big idea"
that really hit home with me was that Esther did not have "conditional
trust". This was explained in great detail as being the kind of trust that
says as we pray, "I am trusting you God to never let ____ happen to
me." We were challenged to put our own worst fear in that blank. If we
continue trusting God to "never let____ happen" then we are doomed on
two fronts. First, we let the enemy of our souls torment us with the possibilty
of it happening every hour of every day. And he will do so, have no doubt.
Second, we set ourselves up to fail in our trust of God when the worst case
scenario does happen. And let's be honest, we've all known situations in
someone's life (perhaps our own) where it has.
Unless we are able to say
"we trust you God, even if ____ happens, to uphold us and carry out your
purpose to your Glory" we do not have "unconditional trust". Put
in Esther's words, "If (our greatest fear), then (God will...)" It is
the same kind of trust that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had in the face of
the fiery furnace (Daniel 3) where they said "The God we serve is able to save
us...but even if He does not, ...Oh King, we will not serve your gods or
worship the image of gold you have set up."
Our pastor has been
sharing this same kind of trust in his series on Elijah, "trust is moving
forward in faith believing that God will show up."
All these things tied
together to show me that I was suffering from "conditional trust". I
said, "God I trust you that my two younger children won't get
diabetes" and then Kaycee did. So then I prayed, "I trust you God to
not make the ones that have the disease to be picky eaters" (you've no
idea what a big issue this is day to day) and yet Kaycee is. So my doubt in
God's goodness and love went out the window as one by one my worst fears came
to pass.
I see now what my trust
needed to be like from the beginning: "No matter what happens, worst case
scenario included, God, you will sustain me and cause your story to be
worked out through my life and those of my children."
It really struck me the
most when Beth Moore said, "If a difficult diagnosis or death is being
asked of you, have no doubt that it is a huge part of the destiny that
God has planned for you from all eternity"...for such a time as this.
Tell Me it isn’t So!
In one of our homework
questions we were asked, "Why do you think Esther sent new clothes down to
Mordechai when she first heard he was in mourning?" My answer was that at
first she didn't want to believe it could be that bad. Not so much denial as
wishful thinking. "I just don't want to face the fact that the worst is
actually coming to pass." Some of us process this way. We take longer to
come to terms with a situation before we accept it and then look for ways to
handle it. How awesome that our God is patient and waits for us when this
happens. I think of the passage with Peter again (Matt. 26) where the Lord
asked him again and again "do you love me?" until Peter was ready to
deal with his own shortcomings and answer the real question. Throughout
scripture we see how God deals gently with us, bringing us into acceptance of
our place in His plan - the good, the bad and the incredible!
She’s Gonna Blow!
This book by Julie
Barnhill was mentioned this week in our workshop on anger. We were covering the
several references to "burning with anger" and such from the book of
Esther, but went much further and of course touched on the issues that some of
us moms have with anger in dealing with our kids. The workshop leader dealt
with the topic in a surprisingly helpful way by showing us that the way to
determine whether our anger is "righteous" or "unrighteous"
is not just in how we deal with it or express it, which is how I've always
heard. Sometimes it is the source of it, why we are angry, that makes it one
kind rather than the other. If we are incensed because a moral wrong or injustice
has occurred, that is very different from being angry because we were
inconvenienced or frustrated or offended.
Then she did go on to show
that righteous anger always has restoration as its goal and this is where very
often, even if we started out from a righteous anger, it can quickly become sin
as Eph. 4:26 says. God's anger is ever only righteous, but let's face it ours
rarely starts that way and even less does it remain so. Whereas God cannot
tolerate sin, He bends over backwards to make a way to wipe it out and bring
His people back to Him again. I can't remember the last time I bent over
backwards to make something that angered me "go away" so that the
person could be restored to God or me or both. Sometimes it would mean letting
it go. Other times it would mean asking or encouraging the person to make it
right. If we make restoration our goal rather than "venting" (as in
"she's gonna blow"), or making our case, I think we would see a real
change in the pattern of our anger issues.
Most of the time, my anger
begins in unrighteousness, that is, I have been thwarted in my plans or had my
expectations disappointed and I just belt the other person with it. Now if I
put these principles to use, and want to see this person restored, I can let go
my need to "have it my way" or I can share that I was coming from a
different place and see if we can work it out. If I feel a moral injustice has
occurred, all I can do is request that the person reconsider and make it right
and leave the rest to God.
All these things made the
whole concept of anger a more rich discussion than I have had before. In the
past I was told "just don't do
it" (Col. 3:8) which I couldn't
measure up to, or "some anger is O.K. because God is sometimes angry"
(Mark 3:5;11:14) which I couldn't differentiate in my own heart.
These thoughts have been
helpful as a beginning for me and I am eager to read Julie's book and also one
by Gary Chapman that was referenced in the lesson as well called, "Anger:
Handling a Powerful emotion in a Healthy Way".
The Upper Hand
Esther 9:1 tells of how
the tables were turned for the Jews and they now had the "upper
hand". In the video session with Beth Moore, we were discovering how the
scenario where "it's tough being a woman thrown a giant sized weight"
is turned around by trust in God. When Mordechai told Esther she may have been
born for "such a time as this" it was a huge weight to her to go and
risk her life to plead with the king. After fasting (and if you read between
the lines, praying) she was ready to go. In the narrative, the turn around came
when she was given carte-blanche by the king to do what she felt was needed to
save her people. That was her story. The application came when we were asked
what we felt was our giant sized weight and told to give it to God, holding it
up over our heads, if you will, saying "here, God, you take it." Beth
depicted us, like a child handing over the "big" thing, whatever it
may be, so we don't have to carry it anymore. She said that the heavier the
weight semes to us, the "upper" we hold our hands to our Lord to take
the burden - hence the "upper hand". This is the main point that
touched a familiar chord in me, of course, with my focus on "hands".
I asked myself, "how upper are my hands in giving my burdens to the
Lord so He can carry them?" The corresponding verses in the lesson, I
Peter 5:7 "casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you." and
Deut. 23:5b "[God] turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the
Lord your God loves you." give a clear picture of how deeply God loves us.
He wants us to lift those weights up to Him and watch how He turns it around
into a blessing. Get the visual with me here: we lift up our hands and say,
"Here." We still feel burdened with whatever it is, and we lift it
higher and emphatically say, "HERE!"
Then He takes THAT THING, whatever it is, and into our open hands
bestows a blessing, and not just a gift, but a destiny. That's what this study
in Esther has been all about, DESTINY and from week one, Beth has been saying
that the "big" struggles that we have in life are the ones that God
desires (and indeed intends) to turn into our singular, blessed, beautiful,
In the tight fist of
fear, fight
As the study in Esther
draws to a close, we see next scenario,
"It's tough being a woman in the tight fist of fear..." Beth Moore
made reference to Deut. 33:29 where God is described as fighting alongside us
and we are told we will see our enemies flee before us; Isaiah 49:16 where it
talks about our name being engraved on his hand was described as when you hold
something so tightly it leaves an imprint on your palm. This reflects a fierce
love that is also tender at the same time, she said. Also Neh. 4:14 "Don't
be afraid of them, remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for
your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes."
This caught my attention, not "our great and awesome God will fight in
your stead" but "because He is great and awesome get in there and
fight!" When Beth walked around the room and said it over and over,
"fight" for your marriage, "fight" for your home,
"fight" for your children, it really got to me. It almost seems
condradictory to the message about giving it all to Him with our
"upper" hands. But in Scripture it is so often the case, isn't it,
that "both are true." Yes, we
are to give the Lord the heavy burdens of our heart, and actually that is a
form of fighting, because our enemy would love to see us bogged down. We must remember
that we do not fight an enemy of human flesh and blood, but rather an invisible
foe who would love to see us fold our hands and let him destroy our marriages,
our families and our homes. But the message in Esther and indeed in Scripture
is to stand and fight the good fight.