Friday, May 15, 2020

About Lazarus

The message from Sunday's sermon a few weeks back struck me when it talked about Jesus' intentional delay in healing Lazarus (see John 11). Even more than Job, Mary and Martha's experience mirrors our own when we are going through trials. The pastor kept saying that these women were essentially asking "what are you good for, Jesus, if you won't come when we call and heal, as we know you could?" The answer, Pastor said, lies in the fact that Jesus' purpose wasn't to make things right in this life, but to show us His plan which is ever so much broader and bigger than this life. He didn't come to hold off death, or illness or pain, but to overcome them with life - true, eternal life! John 10:10b "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" KJV

We can look at it this way, Mary and Martha already believed. Their faith in Jesus was sure, even in the resurrection to come in the last days, but Jesus wanted as many as possible to see that He has the power over death and hades. He waited, so that the dead being raised at His word is what they would remember about that day.

The story of Lazarus , in a tiny example, is just what Jesus' work on the cross was, not considering the pain of the cross, for the ultimate goal and glory of saving us all. Hebrews 12:2b "because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God's throne." NLT

Lord, help me when I get so focused on my circumstances here on earth that I forget that your kingdom has come and I can live it right here and now if I  only keep my eyes on you, amen.

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