Well here it is, the first post in about 2 1/2 years. Why has it been so long, you ask? Well in a word, myhandsful. You have known from the beginning that I am a care-giver for my 3 children with type 1 diabetes, but since August of 2013, I have been the care-giver also to my mom after she was widowed. Shortly after deciding to move her from San Diego to Orange County, she was diagnosed with a rare form of dementia called FTD (fronto-temporal-degeneration). She was living independently, and I would visit her weekly, when I was able to get away from my kids' homeschool and extra-curricular schedules. As an only child, I was the go-to person for her medical and household needs, but this too was becoming too full for my hands and we decided to move her closer to us and into assisted living.
Add to this our own sale of our home and a move back into Orange County for us to be nearer my husband's work and you can imagine the plates we have been spinning. Throughout, God has been so good. He has gone ahead of us in each new trial that confronted us as well as preparing the way for new opportunities. Paul writes in Philippians that he has not yet attained the goal which was set before him, and I feel I have not yet "settled in" to my new circumstances, but like Paul I press on. He says that there was a reason he was "laid hold of" by Christ, and that is what keeps him going onward. We know that in each change that has come over the past recent years God was moving and orchestrating 'to will and to work' His perfect plan. (Phil. 2:13, Phil. 3:12)
Dear Lord,
Thank you for these faithful who care enough to want to know what you are doing in the lives of your children. Thank you for the way you have provided and led throughout the myriad changes life has brought to all of us at myhandsful. Thank you that we can trust You to plan and complete your will in our lives. Amen